Dec 2018 Update
Dear YAT Family,
This is our last email update for 2018. We’ve had an amazing year, and achieved some great things. As clubs come to an end, we want to thank our staff and volunteers for all their hard work and maybe you’ll also get a chance to whisper a word of encouragement to them too. Lots of Club and event photos, plus other updates can be found on our FACEBOOK plus other news on our Website. Clubs will re-launch again in late-February – dates to be confirmed.
Check out these two highlights video’s that we just released:
• Watch our latest 90 Second Highlights Video
• What do people say about YAT?
1. Breakaway: Years 7 – 10 only
Bookings are still available for School Years 7 – 10 for our FREE holiday activities on 18 – 20 December 2018. Please note you need to book and attend all three days. All bookings done online at AimyPlus. For full programme details see our website.
2. January Holiday Programmes
Bookings are filling up quickly for Years 1 – 9 Holiday Programme for 14 – 25 January 2019. All bookings done online at AimyPlus. WINZ subsidies available. Full programmes on our website.
3. Babysitting Course
YAT is hosting another course for teenagers which covers expectations of a babysitter, the child and family, safety, play and basic first aid by a trained Plunket facilitator. Costs $25. Register now by CLICKING HERE or visit FACEBOOK EVENT
4. NEW YAT Clothing
YAT has just launched some clothing designs, so if anyone wants any YAT branded clothing, they can provide their own piece of clothing and complete an order form at reception. Click here for possible designs.
5. Community Carol Service
Grace Vineyard wishes to invite you all to their Christmas Eve Community Carol Service in the amphitheater by the Pier from 5 pm – 7 pm on Monday 24th Dec. The first hour is children’s entertainment and performances, followed by carols and a short talk in the second hour. Grace has their normal church Christmas services on Sunday 23rd Dec at 9 am & 11 am and also on Christmas Day at 9 am, which everyone is very welcome to.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and summer break!
The YAT Team