Great Effort Jayden & Finn!
Tonight we celebrated the Graduation of Jayden & Finn, completing their Level 6 NZ Diploma in Youth Work with Praxis. Both of these young men first attended YAT programmes in their primary school years, before later joining as young volunteers, then casual staff, and are now in permanent staff roles. They have completed their full-time study, alongside their employment, which is a massive undertaking and are both ready for a summer break! The young people they serve through Surge, Tamatāne Boys Club, Holiday Programmes, the YLT and in Shirley Boys High School through 24-7 Youthwork have seen your dedication to doing things well and right, while having fun at the same time. Thank you both for all you’ve given to our communities and we pray blessings upon your next steps, as you continue to grow in both knowledge and wisdom.