Kids ReSync – Funding Shortfall

We have been running a pilot programme for families from Rawhiti Primary School, with some one-off Covid related funding since the beginning of the year. Watch our short promo video above. In brief, we work with four families for half a day a week, for a full school term, with a strong focus on ReSyncing relationships with parent/caregiver, themselves, school and play. We offer child counselling, parenting coaching, occupational therapy and music sessions, including composing your own family song. Read the flyer here. Kids Resync came from Sandy’s vision to do something different, something deeper and something with both the child and parent. We’ve had really great feedback from families who’ve taken part so far. They’ve said things like; “The things that you are all saying for my child to do, I am also doing for myself”, “My child is more comfortable talking to me about how they are feeling” and “(The child’s) confidence and self-esteem have skyrocketed over the past couple of weeks, and begun using open communication. The transformation has, to say the least, been stunning!”. Read our Term 1 Review here.
The programme is still in its early stages of development so we are now looking for funding to continue the pilot and help us provide evidence of its effectiveness for others to consider the use of this model. We have tried all the normal funding sources, without success so far, so are now asking individual donors if they’d be willing to support this project until the end of the year, until we can source longer term funding from elsewhere. Maybe you know someone who would like to invest in the lives of struggling eastside families? Please let them know about Kids ReSync and we’d be more than happy to share more more about it.
Any donations made to this project can be made directly into the Youth Alive Trust bank account:
Bank: ANZ
Account: 117892-0066444-00
Ref: Kids ReSync
(or if it’s a donation to cover general costs, ref: Friend of YAT)