Free Laptop!?!
Is $ stopping you from getting a laptop/pc at home? Here’s your chance to get a new laptop for just $50!!
If you’re over 16 years old and have less than NCEA L2, then Computers in Homes Connect can help.
To qualify for the Connect programme, you must be prepared to have some fun, join a small class, learn lots, have less than NCEA L2 and have no personal device at home. We will take you on a journey of discovery with your new Chrome book at your side – yours to take home at the completion of the course. There is a $50 charge to participate.
If you, your friends, whanau or neighbours wish to take advantage of this amazing programme, and meet the above criteria, please send us message. Dates/times yet to be arranged.
*** NB You must meet the criteria outlined above.***
****Message The Old School Te Kura Tawhito ****