Engage Personal Development Programme
We are now inviting referrals to the 2016 Engage Personal Development Programme for intermediates from Greater New Brighton. The programme runs over the 4 consecutive Saturdays in November with a particular focus on the more ‘at-risk’ young people. We ran a successful programme in 2015, and are keen to engage a new group of young people in 2016.
The vision is to engage some of the less engaged young people, give them local positive experiences out of school, introduce them to other local activities they could get involved in, introduce them to other local community people, and build positive youthworker role models. There is a Girls Programme and a Guys Programme, a maximum of 16 of each and we’re looking for a mixture of ‘at-risk’ and not ‘at-risk’, to help balance the dynamics and give positive peer role models too.
It’s a FREE programmes but young people need to be interested in committing to the programme too, as it’s not compulsory.
Referrals can be made by completing the relevant part of the flyer, and either email it to us, post it or drop it into our offices, or just email us the details needed.