Most of our programmes are only able to operate because of Volunteer support! People willing to give of their time and energy to feed into the lives of local young people. We are often in need of more volunteers to help on programmes or events – maybe you could help? There is a commitment and there are some boundaries you must abide by, but most volunteers find that they are more blessed by the clubs than the young people are! Some of our volunteers used to be part of the programmes themselves, so they know exactly what is expected of a leader.
Our boundaries are based on the Children’s Act 2014. We aim to foster a community marked by love and forgiveness, rather than by rigid rules and regulations. However, it is important to uphold high standards for leaders, particularly concerning personal integrity and safety. As part of our commitment to these standards, we require all leaders to adhere to the guidelines outlined in our Youth Leaders Manual, which focus on personal growth and integrity. Additionally, all leaders must undergo reference checks and a Police Vet.
Volunteers are provided with Training throughout the year and work in teams that provide support to each other. They’re also given lots of encouragement, food at trainings, socials and an end of year celebratory meal! Volunteering can be one of the most worthwhile experiences you can have and will leave you with memories that last a lifetime. Check out our Volunteers Flyer for more info or email: volunteer@yat.org.nz
Latest Updates
3 Sep 2024
Click on the link below to read our Youth Leaders’ Manual for 2024
19 Jun 2023
11 Jul 2022
It was New Zealand’s National Volunteers’ week a couple of weeks ago, and to celebrate Esther (our Volunteer Coordinator) provided our wonderful volunteers who help out at our weekly clubs with a spread before their clubs to thank them.
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4 Feb 2022
Youth Alive Trust are needing some extra helpers this year at Beach Campus and were wondering if God was calling any of you into something NEW and FUN this year? We’d love to have some more mature leaders at clubs, to support our staff and the younger volunteers, as well as the children who may not have many good role models. We have particular needs at four of our after school clubs; 1) Kitchen Klub on Mondays from 4pm helping with cooking and baking skills. 2) Basketball Club on Mondays from 3:30pm teaching simple skills 3) Kotirotiro Girls Club on Wednesdays from 4pm, a social club for primary school aged girls and 4) Tamatane Boys Club on Thursdays from 4pm, a social club for primary school aged boyss. If you’re interested or would like to chat it through with someone, contact either our volunteer coordinator, Esther, at volunteer@yat.org.nz or browse through our website which has more information about all the clubs and what it means to volunteer.
16 Aug 2021
Our volunteers positions are not paid positions and there should not be any expectation of this changing. However, some programmes or events may offer a koha, but this is not offered for all volunteering and will be communicated in advance.
There is no cost to the volunteer for nearly all training we offer. Training often comes with a meal or snacks, and this again is free for volunteers.
6 Aug 2021
3 Jul 2021
18 Jun 2021
23 Apr 2021
22 Mar 2021